Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Magic of Friendship

The postman rang our bell.
There was a package for me.

My friend in England sent me birthday greetings.

She knows me so very well.
She made me a photograph album of her gardens

her butterflies and her birds.

I now can look at her photographs
 and dream of walking in her gardens.

One of these days I will travel to her.
One of these days I will smell her flowers.
Until than I know we are connected.

She sent lovely treasures.
A butterfly for my collar
and a wee Teddy to inspire.

A way to mark my place
and to find my way to her village.

I hear her voice as I read her words.

We treasure seeds.
We treasure the sound of the wind.

I am singing songs of Thanksgiving today.
My friend has given me
 the gift of joy.


  1. Oh how beautiful! The book of her birds and flowers is such a special gift! And your butterfly muse -- truly treasures beyond measure.

  2. My dear Sherry,

    You are so very welcome.

    I send you Christmas blessings and much love.
    May 2012 be a year full of joy for you and yours.

    I am getting ready to visit my son....we shall take my parents and meet Poppi and Riley there.

    I hope to start blogging again in the New Year, all being well :-)


  3. Cheryl is the sweetest lady. You are blessed with her friendship. I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
