Thursday, August 11, 2011

Well cared for

Our gardens have changed over the years.
We share our space with many different creatures.

Today we stopped our work and watched a
 Black Swallowtail lay eggs in the front fennel.
We were getting ready to remove it but now
we will wait until the caterpillars are finished.

She lays one egg at a time.

We garden for the bugs.

The Surprise Lilies are in bloom.
They opened this morning.
I think they are pretty.
When a butterfly nectars they will be spectacular.

I remember the Lady who gave these to me.
She was an older neighbor who thought they
would look nice in my gardens.

It is about the bugs for me.

It is about growing flowers they need for their eggs.
Making sure I have nectar even in the heat.

August is the beginning of harvest season.
The Full Green Corn Moon is Friday.

I have a few Corn Husk Dolls out now
and more will follow in September.

I collect them.

My friend saw Mammoth teeth while at an
estate sale.
She knew I would love them.

She also picked up a couple of silver bolo tie holders.

I love these darlings.
I think they will go perfect on a scarf.

I am well cared for.
I have thoughtful friends and loving family.
I have lots of Summer bugs.
Tonight we are planting seeds under
the waxing Moon.
We are planting now
so the bugs have food in October.


  1. You have marvelous critters in your garden. The surpise lilies are blooming here too. I found a cicada skin attached to one of the blooms. Odd. I love finding oddities in the garden. Have a great weekend.

  2. Dear Sherry,

    Bio dynamics is something that has always interested me. What a wonderful way to plant seeds. One day.....

    So many pretty creatures inhabit your gardens.
    I love the fact you look for eggs. I do to!!
    This year has not been a good year.

    Surprise lillies are very beautiful....look forward to your images of the butterflies nectaring from them.

    Have a lovely weekend.
